Dicko's Refresh

In 2019 forestry work resulted in the legendary Dicko’s trail being destroyed. This was a trail born from locals riding motorcross bikes in the forest in the 60s, but as an unofficial trail, there was little that could be done to prevent the damage, or to re-instate the trail.
The newly formed Beicio Mynydd Dyfi MTB saw this as an opportunity to work with the landowner, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and to turn Dicko’s into a showcase for how a community company could work to not only manage a recreational trail, but to develop improved access to the forest and to benefit the local community.
Beicio Mynydd Dyfi MTB reached an agreement with NRW for Dicko’s to be re-instated. NRW, as part of their clear-up following the felling, cleared a corridor along the line of the old trail. Beicio Mynydd Dyfi MTB recreated Dicko’s, with the hugely generous help of Dan Atherton’s and his Dyfi Bike Park trailbuilding crew, giving it a modern feel while retaining the spirit and lines of the original trail.